
Internship report Jakob Niederhofer Teil 1

Working at GNA

What does a typical day/week look like during your internship?

"There is no such thing as a typical day. I am involved in many projects at the same time. So every day is different. In my opinion, that's exactly what makes an internship exciting. I have various meetings with colleagues from the USA and also with colleagues from Kreuztal. We are in constant communication. In the last few weeks, colleagues from Germany even came to Roanoke for a working visit. At the weekend we went on a great hike in the Appalachian Mountains. That was very cool!"

What projects are you working on? Or do you just have to make coffee :-) ?

"Fortunately, I don't just have to make coffee. For example, we are currently working on expanding the logistics infrastructure at our site in Roanoke to improve GEORG's expansion in the North American market. I can play an active role here as well as in various lean production and lean management projects and, in particular, I can coordinate closely with the headquarters in Kreuztal."

#internship #heinrichgeorg #northamerica

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Onboarding new employees

We are pleased to announce another "newcomer": Stefan Buch will "inherit" our long-standing Head of Purchasing, who will be taking his well-deserved retirement this year. Vera Moser is joining our HR team and will support with new energy

We wish you both a good start in the GEORG family.

Working at GEORG

BA degree R. Pankratz (dual student)

Young talent made by GEORG: We are delighted with our dual student Reinmar Pankratz, who has achieved a great Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. Hats off, not only for the great grades, but also for the practically relevant results of his bachelor's thesis. We can implement these directly in the machine development of our transformer lines.

We congratulate you on your excellent degree and are delighted that we will be able to actively support you during your Master's degree.

Working at GEORG

Congratulations to Simon Weber (DS Mechanical Engineering) 2024

As one of the most attractive employers in our industry, we consistently produce high potentials. Simon Weber, for example, who has now successfully completed his mechanical engineering degree. Simon worked in our Roll Grinding product area alongside his studies and also wrote his bachelor's thesis there. His technical research is very valuable to us, so we will be implementing it.

Thank you, Simon! We are delighted to have you on board and look forward to working with you in the future.

Working at GEORG
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GEORG markenwerk Relaunch (2024)

May we present to you: The new GEORG living room.

We not only welcome our visitors and guests here in a relaxed atmosphere. It is also a communication and chilled-out workspace for our employees. The one or other after-work party will certainly also take place here. We are particularly looking forward to this year's European Football Championship. We're sure to watch a few games here and have a nice barbecue on the terrace next door.

That's what we call working & living at GEORG.

Working at GEORG, Company
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Jakob Niederhofer's internship report at GNA

My name is Jakob, I am 20 years old and I completed my six-month internship at GEORG's subsidiary in Roanoke/USA. I was born near Koblenz. After graduating from high school, I moved to Reutlingen near Stuttgart to complete my engineering degree (International Project Engineering). This study program has an international focus. Now it was time to put what I had learned in theory to the test.

The USA was particularly appealing to me, as I had never been there before and I also took the opportunity to improve my English there, which would benefit me in the further course of my studies.

Working at GEORG, Company
GEORG experience

Thomas Kleb

Thomas Kleb
Head of HR & Marketing

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