One of the most valued Employers SME for years
Again GEORG has been ranked among the Top Employers.
The business magazine Focus-Business, in cooperation with the employer evaluation platform kununu.com, has published its current study on the top employers for SME in 2021 (issue no. 04/2020). The result: GEORG ranks 2 among the most estimated SME machine and plant manufacturers in Germany. The entire study was based on more than 950,000 companies in Germany.
Previously, the trade journal "MM Maschinenmarkt" had named GEORG Germany's best employer in the mechanical engineering sector in its survey this year. And in its 2019 survey, the media brand "freundin" also hoisted the Kreuztal-based high-tech company onto the winner's podium as the most family-friendly employer in its industry.
GEORG is also at the forefront in the DACH region, which includes Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Here, GEORG achieved 3rd place in mechanical and plant engineering, according to the result of the study among the 1,300 most popular medium-sized employers in the German-speaking region, which Focus-Business carried out for the first time in 2018 in cooperation with kununu.com, the employer evaluation platform for employees, trainees and applicants.
For the Kreuztal-based company, this top-ranking means again a proof that an open and employee-oriented company culture pays well-off. Mark Georg, managing partner and in the third generation responsible for the family company, is delighted: “This award encourages us that the chosen way of active employee and effort encouragement is the right one. With us, performance is demanded and promoted and also rewarded. The evaluation results, which have been good over the years, show a consistency that makes me proud, but which also has to be worked out anew every day."