On-Boarding the new Trainees for 2023
We welcome 11 new trainees and dual students this year!
We warmly welcome Ben Kohlschein, Demian Helmerth, Sam Mathis Kruse, Cekdar Tektas, Jana Pitzer, Fabio Krippendorf, Julian Merlin Strozzega, Giuliano Ruffino, Pia Wittstamm, Kai Sohler and Henning Höchst to Team GEORG.
Our new junior employees are completing their training in the professions of electronics for industrial engineering, industrial mechanics, machining mechanics, IT specialist for application development and technical product design. The dual students complete their studies in the fields of electrical engineering and information technology.
We are delighted that you are here and wish you a good start to your careers.
#HeinrichGeorg #GeorgAutomation #career #Ausbildung2023 #DualesStudium #Ausbildung #youngtalents
GEORG experience