
Always by your side

For many decades our company has been enjoying cooperative relationships with our customers in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

We are shocked and stunned by the agressive behaviour of Russia and by the fact that President Putin has started a war in the middle of Europe.

Our thoughts are with the many Ukrainian families who are threatened to lose everything they have built-up in decades. We are talking about not less than a humanitary catastrophy, for which the Russian president himself bears the responsibility.

We at GEORG strongly condemn this war attack and stand behind the economic sanctions taken. They will have direct or indirect economic influence on German companies and certainly on our company as well, but there is no alternative.

Until further notice we will suspend any kind of business with Russian and Belarussian customers.

We would like to emphasize that these measures are not targeted towards our customers and the many peaceful people in Russia and Belarus.

Far more it is our clear attitude towards the responsible persons in Russia and a sign of solidariy with the people in Ukraine. They deserve our support.

Всегда на вашей стороне

На протяжении многих десятилетий наша компания поддерживает партнерские отношения с заказчиками в Украине, России и Белоруссии.

Мы шокированы и ошеломлены агрессивным поведением России и тем фактом, что Президент Путин начала войну в центре Европы.

Наши мысли со многими украинскими семьями, которые рискуют потерять все, что они создавали десятилетиями. Это не что иное, как гуманитарная катастрофа, ответственность за которую несет Президент России.

Мы, Компания GEORG, решительно осуждаем эту агрессивную войну и поддерживаем принятые экономические санкции.

Это окажет прямое и косвенное экономическое влияние на немецкие компании и, конечно же, на нашу компанию. Тем не менее альтернативы нет.

До дальнейшего уведомления мы, Компания GEORG, приостанавливаем любые дела с российскими и белорусскими клиентами.

Подчеркнем, что эта мера не направлена ​​против наших клиентов и уж точно не против множества мирных жителей России и Белоруссии.

Скорее, это четкая позиция против виновных в России и декларация солидарности с народом Украины. Они заслуживают нашей поддержки.


Training for Muhammet Celik

Muhammet Celik from our Turkish agency was with us again. He has been our Turkish representative for transformer systems since 2017 and our official service partner (MARKE ELEKTRONIK) since 2023. After his last visit in March, Muhammet has already successfully carried out numerous service assignments in Turkey, including the installation of several TBA400 ecolines and accompanying colleagues from Germany during commissioning and service assignments.


Handover of waffle baking campaign 2024

Today, our trainees were able to hand over the cheque to the “Großtagespflege Kita Langenau (U3 care)”.

1,000 euros were collected this year as part of the “Heinrich Waffles” baking campaign in honor of our founder Heinrich Georg. Many thanks to all trainees for baking and helping and a big thank you to all colleagues for their energetic donations.


Thank you Branco.

For 37 years, our colleague Branco Matejka provided our customers with help and advice. First in service for many years, then as a Sales Engineer. With the exception of Australia and New Zealand, he has traveled the whole world for us. And finally, he trained his successor, our former dual student Felix Wacker. Now his retirement begins.

We will miss you, Branco. As a full-blooded transformer man. As a GEORGian. As a person. Thank you, Branco.

Working at GEORG, Company
GEORG experience