
Always by your side

For many decades our company has been enjoying cooperative relationships with our customers in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

We are shocked and stunned by the agressive behaviour of Russia and by the fact that President Putin has started a war in the middle of Europe.

Our thoughts are with the many Ukrainian families who are threatened to lose everything they have built-up in decades. We are talking about not less than a humanitary catastrophy, for which the Russian president himself bears the responsibility.

We at GEORG strongly condemn this war attack and stand behind the economic sanctions taken. They will have direct or indirect economic influence on German companies and certainly on our company as well, but there is no alternative.

Until further notice we will suspend any kind of business with Russian and Belarussian customers.

We would like to emphasize that these measures are not targeted towards our customers and the many peaceful people in Russia and Belarus.

Far more it is our clear attitude towards the responsible persons in Russia and a sign of solidariy with the people in Ukraine. They deserve our support.

Всегда на вашей стороне

На протяжении многих десятилетий наша компания поддерживает партнерские отношения с заказчиками в Украине, России и Белоруссии.

Мы шокированы и ошеломлены агрессивным поведением России и тем фактом, что Президент Путин начала войну в центре Европы.

Наши мысли со многими украинскими семьями, которые рискуют потерять все, что они создавали десятилетиями. Это не что иное, как гуманитарная катастрофа, ответственность за которую несет Президент России.

Мы, Компания GEORG, решительно осуждаем эту агрессивную войну и поддерживаем принятые экономические санкции.

Это окажет прямое и косвенное экономическое влияние на немецкие компании и, конечно же, на нашу компанию. Тем не менее альтернативы нет.

До дальнейшего уведомления мы, Компания GEORG, приостанавливаем любые дела с российскими и белорусскими клиентами.

Подчеркнем, что эта мера не направлена ​​против наших клиентов и уж точно не против множества мирных жителей России и Белоруссии.

Скорее, это четкая позиция против виновных в России и декларация солидарности с народом Украины. Они заслуживают нашей поддержки.


Children at GEORG

Our focus is not only on our employees, but also on our young visitors! We strive to create a family-friendly environment in which children are very welcome. Whether at special events or in our premises such as our parent-child office - even the little ones feel at home with us.


More room for growth

We are very grateful for the trust of our global customers from all product areas, who have given us significant growth, particularly in recent years. That is why we are continuing to invest in the future - not only in terms of technology and man power, but also in our own infrastructure, particularly in Germany and North America.

For example, we are currently building a new additional assembly hall in our new Plant 3 at our Headquarters in Kreuztal/Germany, and we are doing so in record time. We will celebrate the topping-out ceremony there in June and assemble the first units and machines for our customer orders there in the summer.

Welcome to the future.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Technology lessons

For almost a year now, the GEORG training workshop has regularly been transformed into a classroom in which the technology course at Kreuztal secondary school works together with GEORG trainees for a day of practical tasks. This allows the pupils to get out of their everyday school routine and get a taste of technical professions.

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GEORG markenwerk Relaunch (2024)

May we present to you: The new GEORG living room.

We not only welcome our visitors and guests here in a relaxed atmosphere. It is also a communication and chilled-out workspace for our employees. The one or other after-work party will certainly also take place here. We are particularly looking forward to this year's European Football Championship. We're sure to watch a few games here and have a nice barbecue on the terrace next door.

That's what we call working & living at GEORG.

Working at GEORG, Company
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Jakob Niederhofer's internship report at GNA

My name is Jakob, I am 20 years old and I completed my six-month internship at GEORG's subsidiary in Roanoke/USA. I was born near Koblenz. After graduating from high school, I moved to Reutlingen near Stuttgart to complete my engineering degree (International Project Engineering). This study program has an international focus. Now it was time to put what I had learned in theory to the test.

The USA was particularly appealing to me, as I had never been there before and I also took the opportunity to improve my English there, which would benefit me in the further course of my studies.

Working at GEORG, Company
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Building site part I

Dear Alumni Portal,

After a short break, we are back today with a post from the "What's new at GEORG" section. But before we reveal more, we would like to know what you think a new hall is being built for? And do you recognize where it is being built?

Best regards

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GEORG at the AIStech Show in Columbus

The AIStech show in Columbus has begun and we are on site.

Our sales colleagues Tom Giebeler, Jochen Muenker and Thomas Smrekar present GEORG as a high performer for hightech materials.

We look forward to good discussions and can be found on booth number 2354.

Services, Company
GEORG experience