
Automatic core stacking - high quality products

A key value for customers of automatic core stacking solutions developed by GEORG and Güdel is the consistency in quality. The automatic system will always ensure the same high-performance quality level, with much less dependence on personnel availability and worker skills. Automatic assembly systems already in operation at our customers’ sites have shown a reduction in core losses compared with manual stacking, greatly reducing the energy consumption for users.

Reports from various customers have shown that a reduction of no-load losses in transformers by up to 5% is possible by using automated core stacking solutions. Further, 5 to 10% less iron in the cores is needed compared to manual core stacking, which results in significant cost savings for core manufacturers.


Handover of waffle baking campaign 2024

Today, our trainees were able to hand over the cheque to the “Großtagespflege Kita Langenau (U3 care)”.

1,000 euros were collected this year as part of the “Heinrich Waffles” baking campaign in honor of our founder Heinrich Georg. Many thanks to all trainees for baking and helping and a big thank you to all colleagues for their energetic donations.


Thank you Branco.

For 37 years, our colleague Branco Matejka provided our customers with help and advice. First in service for many years, then as a Sales Engineer. With the exception of Australia and New Zealand, he has traveled the whole world for us. And finally, he trained his successor, our former dual student Felix Wacker. Now his retirement begins.

We will miss you, Branco. As a full-blooded transformer man. As a GEORGian. As a person. Thank you, Branco.

Working at GEORG, Company

Our trainees visit one of our customers in Salzgitter

Last year we were able to visit our customer Schütz GmbH & Co. KGaA in the Westerwald with around 50 GEORG trainees and dual students and spend a great day together with the Schütz trainees. This week, our two-day training trip went to our long-standing customer Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH, where we also have many GEORG machines and lines in operation.

Many thanks for the friendly welcome and the super interesting tour of the plant!

GEORG experience

Thomas Kleb

Thomas Kleb
Head of HR & Marketing

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